The #1 Problem That Businesses Are Facing with A.I.

And what you can do about it


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In today’s issue:

The #1 Problem with A.I. That Businesses Are Facing

And what to do about it…

Out of the hundreds of questions I field about A.I. the question that gets asked the most is:

How can I use A.I. to help my business TODAY?

Keeping up with all the new things going on in A.I. can be like drinking through a fire hose.

This can easily lead to analysis paralysis and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Here’s my advice:

No matter whether you’re in real estate, insurance, legal, healthcare, advertising, etc., the best way to leverage A.I. today is to:

Lean into your existing strengths and find ways to improve what you’re already doing.

A quick solution would be to do a Google search for:

‘How are businesses using A.I. in [your industry]’

Now as far as practical business use cases go, let’s explore one of the most interesting A.I. business case studies I’ve seen to date!

In this thread, Jake lays out his process of taking a website from 0 traffic to 750k/month from organic search. Quite impressive.

As a digital agency owner and subject matter expert on the topic, I’ve been hesitant to use A.I. to generate website SEO content for two reasons:

  1. Google has notoriously whacked websites that ‘cut corners’.

  2. I hadn’t seen any proof that it works - until now.

It’s well known that there are A.I. content detectors. You can copy and paste the content into these tools and it can determine if it was written by a human or by an A.I. These A.I. content detectors are built into the Google Algorithm.

So the thought process has been that A.I.-created content would be penalized.

But now we have clarity from Google on the topic itself:

"Our focus on the quality of content, rather than how content is produced, is a useful guide that has helped us deliver reliable, high-quality results to users for years."

Google Developers

This is a major revelation.

Here’s the notice from Google (Link →)

Information asymmetry is a competitive advantage and this information gives you about 12 months lead time of most of your competitors and the market in general.

So how can you capitalize?

I hosted an educational workshop this week on Twitter Spaces where I walked through this entire process.

It’s basically an SEO masterclass (humbly speaking) but in plain language without tons of technical jargon.

Here’s a brief summary of what we covered:

  • What is SEO and why it’s so valuable?

  • How to use A.I. to create SEO content fast?

  • How does Google determine what to rank?

  • Understanding content pillars, or grouping content into main categories or ‘buckets’ for optimal readability

  • The major risks and concerns to be aware of

If this is a topic of interest to you, I highly recommend giving a listen to the recording of the live workshop here:

If there’s any issue accessing the space, here is the direct link: Click here

My goal is to educate as many people as possible about how to leverage A.I. to improve business performance.

As a loyal reader of THE BOTTOM LINE, feel free to ping me with any questions and I will do my best to help you with all your questions.

You can find me on Twitter, and LinkedIn, or email me directly at [email protected]. Please be sure to mention that you are coming from THE BOTTOM LINE newsletter in the message or subject line and I will prioritize your message.

Thanks so much for reading.

See you next Friday!


P.S. Please share this with someone in your network you think might appreciate this information.


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