Here’s a problem that you might have

(That you might not know about)

Here’s a problem that you might have in business that you might not know about.

  1. You might not know that you need an enemy.

  2. The second problem you might have is that you don’t know who or what that enemy is.

The reality is if I don’t have an enemy I don’t stand out in the marketplace.

Too many businesses are operating from the fence.

Years ago Michael Jordan was asked why with all his influence does he never weigh in on political narratives?

His answer?

“Because [Republicans/Democrats] buy shoes too.”

You don’t have to make it political, that’s just a great example of the old-school mentality.

In today’s market with all the information overload it’s much harder to stand out, get attention, and keep attention.

To accomplish this you must be polarizing.

A friend of mine, Atlas, is a formal political strategist turned brand strategist.

He has been harping on myself and others that we are playing it too safe and all great marketing today is based on rhetoric - like a politician.

They are for this policy and against the other. And on and on down the line. All people want to know is where they stand on the policies that matter most to them.

By doing this, you create a tribe-like following.

Here’s the step-by-step process you can use to identify your enemy and create a compelling story for your company:

  1. What is your business about? Describe the products or services you offer and the industry or sector you operate in.

  2. What is your company's mission? A mission statement can guide your decisions and help communicate your company's purpose to your customers and stakeholders.

  3. What unique solution does your business provide? What problem are you solving that your competitors aren't, or how does your solution differ from what's currently available?

  4. Who is your ideal customer? Please describe the individuals or businesses that benefit the most from your product or service.

  5. What are the common beliefs or practices in your industry that you disagree with? This will help identify your "enemy". Remember, an "enemy" doesn't have to be a person or a company; it can be a belief, a practice, a trend, etc.

  6. What risks or challenges has your company faced or is willing to face to uphold its mission and values? This will help in crafting your company's story.

By going through this quick exercise, you will have a firm grasp of who your enemy is.

Ours happens to be the “status quo”.

By positioning ourselves against the status quo, our story reads as a story of triumph in the face of overwhelming odds.

Untold sacrifices unseen.
Zero tolerance for mediocrity.
Countless tough decisions made.
Aspirations bigger than this life, but building a legacy.
Valuing integrity, quality, and precision in the highest regard.

Try it out for yourself. You can have ChatGPT help you work through this to help define your enemy and craft your story.

Feel free to reach out ([email protected]) and let me know how this goes for and who’s your enemy.

Thanks for reading, see you next week!



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